Saturday 13 February 2010

Questionnaire Results Analysis

The two charts above tell me that most of my target audience hardly or never purchase music magazines. Only 10% of my target audience buys a magazine frequently, the other 10% buy it at least once a year. This comes to show that music magazines are rarely bought by my target audience. I need to find out what my target audience are interested in, to encourage them to buy my magazine.

As you can see from this chart R&B and Hip-Hop are the most popular genre my target audience seem to be interested in, rock also seems to be favoured by 19% of my target audience but not as much as r&b and hip-hop; therefore I think the main focus of my magzine should be based on R&B and Hip-Hop, a touch of rock could be added too.

The front cover of a magazine seems to attract my target audience the most, since 77% of them chose that. The next thing that seems to draw their attention to a magazine is Free Posters. This means that the front cover of my magazine should be my main focus area, I really need to think about how I can use the front cover to draw their attention. I may also add free posters to my magazine to draw their attention even more.

I expected most of my target audience would pay from either £1.50 or less, but surprisingly most of them are willing to pay from about £2-2.50 for a magazine. This is a good price for both the consumer and producer as the consumer can afford to pay that price, and the producer would be sure to make some profits. I think I'm going to make the price of my magazine between £2 and £2.50, so probably about £2.25, to make the price reasonable.

These results are quite tricky as my target audience would to like to see a mixture of everything; however, Interviews, Artist News & Gossip and Celeb Photos seems to be the most prefferred, a few would also like to see Album Reviews. I should try and include a mixture of everything in my magazine, mostly Interviews though.

Most of my target audience would like to receive Free CD's and Free Posters with a magazine, they would also like to receive vouchers. I might have to include a mixture of the three to make my target audience satisfied.

90% of my target audience would like to read articles about upcoming artists, this means i may have to include articles about upcoming artists.

This pie chart tells me that my target audience would like to see more images than text, so i may have to include more images than text in my magazine.

Red and Black seems to be the most prefrerred colours for my target audience, this may help me decide the theme colours for my magazine.

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