Friday 7 May 2010

Feature Article

Jay Vades Interview by Barbara

This is the first interview Junior Busia “Jay Vades” has ever than with Myoozik magazine. Jay an 18 year old boy raised in one of the poorest borough in London is one of the few in the music industry who have made it, and he’s now one of the top music artists in England and overseas and has been awarded richest teenager of the year. At such a young age Jay has managed to accomplish many things alongside his music career, as well as being a music artist, he recently just launched a clothing line, and is also known for being a music producer. In this interview I will be talking about Jays personal life, his music career, how he manages both and what we should be expecting from him this current year.

Rumour has it that Jay was once in a serious incident with his rival Chipmunk which led both people in a critical health state, with major injuries that could have killed them both. Jay is very lucky to still be alive as he could have died, whereas Chipmunk is still in recovery mode. In this interview I will also be asking Jay to tell us about the full incident.

Jay has also teamed up with the film industry and is yet to release a movie this summer, the movie also stars big major Hollywood star’s we’re told.

Barbara: New Clothing line, Album released, Richest Teenager of the year Award; good start for the new year. What else do you have in store for us this year?

Jay Vades: [laughs] You missed out on something, It’s actually a secret, but who cares. I have a kid coming on the way too. But yeah, you know it’s been a great start actually, being awarded the richest teenage of the year, life couldn’t get any better than that. I’m also going to be starring in a hit movie “Money Hurts”, with other big movie stars all the way from AMERICA, coming out this summer.

Barbara: [pauses] So you mean to tell me that you’re only 18, am I right? And you have a kid coming on the way? Wow, you’re really turning into not just a man but you’re going to be a father too. And now you’re in the film industry, well I wish you the best of luck for this year and for the baby too.

Jay Vades: [laughs] Thanks, thanks. Yeah, I’m 18 and I personally don’t think people should let their age stop them from doing something. I don’t believe anyone is ever too old or too young to do anything. So yeah, it came as a shock for many people, even for me, but I guess it’s something to get used to from me.

Barbara: That’s great Jay; I think what most of your female fans would want to know is who the mother of your upcoming child is and what she is to you?

Jay Vades: I’m not going to reveal the identity of my wife.

Barbara: Ahh, you’re married? I think your female fans are going to be really jealous.

Jay Vades: [laughs] No, I’m not married. Maybe in a couple of years though.

Barbara: Do you think your personal life, might affect your music career? Vice-versa.

Jay Vades: [pauses] No, not really. My manager makes sure I spend 50 50 of my time on my music career as well as my personal life, so everyone’s happy.

Barbara: I think a question that’s been on most people’s minds is, Are “down and dirty” really over?

Jay Vades: We are not over and we never will be because we were a family. And even though our music career as a group is over, we’re still together as a family as a circle and as friends.

Barbara: Wow, so who would you say is your best friend in “down and dirty”?

Jay Vades: My best friend, hmm, probably “filthy”. I have to admit, I miss ‘jamming’ with him. I spoke to him the other day and he confirmed that he will be coming back from Nigeria next week.

Barbara: Back in July, there was an incident between you and your rival Chipmunk, which led to you ending up in a critical state in the hospital. What was the “hype” about and how did you survive from those major injuries.

Jay Vades: Well actually, my lawyers said I can’t discuss the matter till the court decides what to do about the situation. But what I can say is that I am darth vader and nothing is impossible for me.

Barbara: [laughs] What other music artist do you work with in London?

Jay Vades: I work with a lot of artist’s but the main ones would be, Bashy, Scorcher, Tinchy Stryder, Mr Hudson and many more.

Barbara: What is your relationship with your parents like? Do they live with you here in Oxford or back in London?

Jay Vades: We’re very close as a family, even though they’re out there in London, I still make time to visit them or call them at least once a week. Me and my parents are like friends, well especially my Dad. He is my role model, and I love my mum, she is the greatest mother on earth and I’m very grateful to be her son, and I’m sure she’s proud of me too. We’ve been through a lot as a family, and they’ve been there throughout my life to support me.

Barbara: What’s your typical day like?

Jay Vades: Daydreaming most of the day [laughs]. I get up early and get ready for whatever I’ve got to do, song writing, going shopping, working at the studio, whatever it is I’m always prepared for it.

Barbara: Are you optimistic about the future?

Jay Vades: Yeah. I’m always planning ahead of time.

Barbara: Do you get annoyed that people are afraid to say no to you?

Jay Vades: Yes, it gets pretty annoying sometimes, like I want everyone to be real with me; there’s a couple of my friends who still treat me the same way they did before I got big.

Barbara: Who would you rate as the best ‘grime’ artist?

Jay Vades:[pauses] Hmm, I don’t really do ratings when it comes to artists because that wouldn’t be fair, I would have to name a lot of people; but I guess the main artist I’m feeling right now is Giggs, his lyrics are really deep.

Barbara: We all heard about the incident between Chris Brown and Rihanna, how do you feel about domestic violence?

Jay Vades: I know it would be cliché to say that it is wrong, and to say that I would never do that, but by the way I was brought up by both parents especially my mother, I was thought that it was wrong to ever hit a woman, no matter how bad the situation is. And I can honestly say that I have never tried to hit a woman and I never will. I also think that Chris is just a typical example of an angry man caught up in the moment, we are all humans, and we all make mistakes, even though what Chris did was highly wrong, I think the public should give him a second chance.

Barbara: Before you became big, did any family or friends or just people in general doubt you, or ever tell you you wouldn’t make it?

Jay Vades: Oh yeah, loads. I remember my English teacher telling me once that I wouldn’t even get to university, and some family members used to tell me to forget about my music and how it was crap and it wouldn’t sell. [laughs] It’s all funny now, because look where I am now. In life people will bring you down and try to tell you what you can and cannot do, but everything is really up to you, you shouldn’t let anyone tell you what to do. It’s like telling a fish it cannot swim, it just doesn’t make sense.

Barbara: I see, well thanks a lot for sharing your time with us Jay, this interview has been really interesting for me, and for you too I hope I didn’t bore you with my questions [laughs]

Jay Vades: No problem, I actually enjoyed your questions. I must say this has been the most comforting interview I have encountered in.

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